Toxic Black Mold Inspectors In Miami, West Palm Beach, And Ft Lauderdale Since 2003.
Are you researching local toxic black mold inspectors who can give honest and nob-bias advice? You have come to the right place. At A Accredited Mold Inspection Service we have no conflict of interest and inspect only. We only have your health as a priority.
If you are looking for information on toxic black mold and your health continue reading below.
Many of our clients are concerned about the type of mold they have. They want to know is it toxic black mold. This is a very wrong approach in my opinion. You should not care too much about the type of mold because all molds can cause problems when growing indoors.
Some mold inspectors want clients to get focused on toxic black mold. Let’s call these inspectors toxic black mold inspectors. They focus on what type of mold you have and proceed to scare you if you have a specific type of mold. The truth is any mold can make you sick regardless of if it is toxic or non-toxic.
Health Problems
1) Mold can release spores that in turn cause allergic reactions while living in a moldy home. This is extremely common among people who are allergic to mold. I see people who have allergic reactions in moldy environments on a very regular basis.
2) Mold can release spores that in turn cause asthma reactions in children and adults. This can make it very difficult to breath. In some cases, asthma attacks can lead to emergency room visits. One inspection I conducted involved a girl in her early 20’s who died from an asthma attack that was in part triggered by mold. Many people die from asthma every year but of course mold is not the only asthma trigger. Rats, dust mites, roaches, and mold can all trigger an asthma attack.
3) Mold can cause serious and even deadly fungal infections, but this typically occurs in persons who have a week immune system. Mold infections are extremely rare. One of the more common serious mold infections is mucormycosis. I have had a few clients who almost died from this condition.
4) I have read two articles that indicated that mold odor exposure can double a child’s chances of developing asthma even if the child never had asthma before. And yes I have had clients tell me stories of themselves or their children developing asthma. These are cases where the clients never had asthma before.
5) Mold can release mold odors known as microbial volatile organic compounds that in turn cause irritation resulting in allergy like symptoms. So even if you have mold trapped in your walls and the mold spores are not in your air, you can still get sick from the odors.
Industrial Or Work Related Mold Exposures
1) People who are exposed to high spore levels for very prolonged periods of time can develop pneumonia like symptoms. This very rare condition is called hypersensitivity pneumonitis. It usually occurs in people who work in dusty or moldy environments for years. However, one inspection I did many years ago involved a lady who reportedly had this condition because of toxic mold in her master bedroom walls and closet. The client brought the landlords to court over it.
2) Molds can cause flu like symptoms in mold removal workers if they are not wearing proper protective gear. These workers are exposed to extremely high levels of dust and spores while disturbing and removing mold. This flu like condition is called organic dust toxic syndrome. I have personally seen it among mold remediators at least three or four times. For example, in 2024 three remediators all developed flu-like symptoms while remediating a home I inspected in Fort Lauderdale. I do not know why the workers did not wear protective gear
Finicial Problems
1) Ignoring a mold problem can cause a simple $200.00 leak repair or AC defect to become a $200,000.00 mold removal job.
2) Mold can make your home uninhabitable for your family requiring you to stay in a hotel or with relatives.
3) Mold can make an office uninhabitable for workers requiring a move from a office with a 10 year lease still in effect.
4) It can make a home nearly impossible to sell.
5) Selling a home with a mold problem that you hid can easily get you and your realtor sued.
Emotion Problems
1) People often become so stressed out over mold that they exhibit what appears to me to be anxiety and depression type conditions. These people become targets for fear mongering mold inspectors, mold remediators, and even some doctors who take advantage of them financially when in a weaken emotional state.
The Truth About Toxic Black Mold Inspectors and Toxic Molds.
Mold inspectors sometimes use online information out of context to support the belief that toxic molds often poison people in their homes. Scientific articles on the topic of toxic mold effects are often talking not about what happens when a home owner or office worker breathes in toxic black mold spores or other toxic molds.
Original source material on toxic black mold typically discusses the effects of mycotoxins when these molds are eating in foods contaminated with toxic molds. Sometimes it covers the effects of mold toxins when animals in the lab are injected with mold toxins being introduced into the body or nasal passages. Sometimes such sources of information mention cases where industry workers were made ill by toxic mold exposure after working around clouds of organic dust and mold spores for extended periods of time. Such environments contain thousands or tens of thousands of spores per cubic meter or air as opposed to much lower levels encountered in most moldy homes and offices.
In Conclusion
Of course, theories can change but at this 2025, most scientist who have studied toxic molds do not promote the idea that toxic mold is going to permanently and severely poison you in your home. However, mold may cause allergies, asthma, stress, and finical woes.
None of the above conditions require mold to be toxic. Often it is mold allergens and not toxins that make people sick.
I am not a doctor so consult with a medical specialist for better medical opinions and any medical advice.
Contact Us
If you suspect such problems, you likely need professional mold testing and inspections.
Contact us We cover all of Southeast Florida and the entire state for larger inspections.
Stachybotrys or toxic black mold spores still partially
attached to the fungal structures that created them.
Stachybotrys AKA toxic black mold on walls in a condo we inspected in
Lake Worth Near West Palm Beach, Fl 2005.
Stachybotrys on the walls of a 50,000 square foot
bank building we inspected in North West Florida.
Lab photo of Stachybotrys on paper in a Petri dish.
Note how it is similar to Stachybotrys mold in the field.
Sometimes it shows these concentric growth rings like the interior of a tree trunk.
The best way to identify toxic black mold or Stachybotrys is with spore analysis or DNA analysis in a lab.
Lab photo of Stachybotrys in a Petri dish.
note how it is much different in appearance than mold in the field.
Indoor Mold, Toxigenic Fungi, and Stachybotrys chartarum: Infectious Disease Perspective
D. M. Kuhn1,2,3 and M. A. Ghannoum2,3
The article is from:
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine,1 Center for Medical Mycology, Department of Dermatology,2. University Hospitals of Cleveland, and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 441063
The article appeared in:
Clinical Microbiology Reviews, January 2003, p. 144-172, Vol. 16, No. 1
0893-8512/03/$08.00+0 DOI: 10.1128/CMR.16.1.144-172.2003
Here is another link to the same article.