Mold Problems and Mold Inspections in Schools

This information is brought to you by A Accredited Mold Inspection Service. We provide mold inspections in South Florida schools, offices, and homes.Stock photo of commercial building.

Educators in Florida are aware that the safety of school children is a primary responsibility. They are willing to embrace threats like potential terrorism, or poor nutrition in school lunches and  vending machines. But how many administrators statewide are willing to step up and deal with a widespread but often ignored issue. That issue is mold problem in our schools. Most schools fail at staying on top of the need for mold removal, and mold inspections in Florida Schools.

Mold Problems In Florida Schools Study

According to a study conducted by The Orlando Sentinel, “The Sentinel reviewed thousands of maintenance work orders, school district reports, and e-mails, as well as independent environmental studies. The study included Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia counties from August 2007 to August 2010.

As a mold inspector I can tell you from personal experience that it’s also a problem in Palm Beach, Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties.

Boy sneezing with allergy problems.

Boy sneezing with allergy problems.

Key Findings of the Orlando Sentinel Study:

Repeated complaints that cited students and teachers suffering from stinging eyes, breathing distress, and other symptoms thought to be related to poor indoor air quality.

A never-ending battle against mold problems in central Florida classrooms, cafeterias, locker rooms, media centers, and even nurses’ quarters.

Persistently leaky buildings and faulty air-conditioning systems, which let in moisture that often causes mold problems in schools.
Some schools make matters worse by shutting off the air-conditioning to save money during weekends and summers.
In some cases, maintenance workers were allowed to paint over moldy  water damaged areas instead of removing them as recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Who Does Mold Testing In Schools

School mold inspections are often done by maintenance workers with inadequate mold inspection knowledge and training. This one fact is a leading reason why our schools are often moldy. Schools should make sure outside mold inspection help is called upon.

Inspection inverview with two guys at a table talking.

The Solution

Schools with suspected mold problems should hire an experienced and fully certified mold inspector to conduct mold inspections and mold testing at your school. Above all, never try to clean mold by delegating the duty to your janitorial staff. Doing so could cause a health problem. Improper cleaning can cause the mold to become airborne.

Logo for A Accredited mold inspection Service.A Accredited Mold inspection Service has provided mold testing in schools, offices, and private homes since 2003.

Call us if you need an inspection. 
