Note condensation stains on the plywood under the AC ducts in this attic. The ducts are sweating far to much even for ducts in a Florida attic. Mold grows on plywood, insulation, and drywall, under such ducts. In addition, the exterior of such ducts themselves often become moldy. These are all common signs of the Paston Effect. This photo was taken by our local inspector during a Paston Effect inspection.
In hot humid climates the Paston Effect is often the cause of moldy AC ducts, mysterious condensation stains on ceilings, musty odors, and health complaints. This problem originates in the attic, but often eventually spreads to the interior of a home’s 2nd floor.
At A Accredited Mold Inspection Service our local inspector Daryl Watters often finds this problem while doing mold inspections for wealthy families. The two reason this problem plagues wealthier people are as follows:

Stock photo of a high-end South Florida home. The Paston Effect usually causes problems in larger 2 story waterfront properties.
This condition occurs when hot humid ocean breezes blow into the attic through the roof’s soffit vents. One reason why you find it in high end homes is because only rich people can afford to live in two story homes near the ocean and other large bodies of water.
In addition to occurring in homes near the ocean, it also occurs in homes near large bodies of fresh water. In South Florida it occurs quite often near the ocean, near large lakes and canals, and near the Everglades. I have seen it many time in Palm Beach, Wellington, Fort Lauderdale, Weston, Miami, and Miami Beach.
In the photo below we can see soffit vents that allow warm humid air into the attic. After blowing over large bodies of water and accumulating much moisture, the warm wet air enters these soffit vent openings.

The first place I diagnoses the Paston Effect was in a home similar to the one in the above stock photo. It was in Manalapan near Boynton Beach. However, since then I have found it in Miami, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Weston, and all over South East Florida.
A second reason it occurs almost exclusively in wealthy people’s homes is because it does not occur often in small one-story homes. It occurs almost exclusively in large two-story homes with tile roofs. Two-story homes are more prone to not be obstructed by tress or by surrounding homes. These taller homes reach high into the sky where they catch moist breezes blowing over large bodies of water. These breezes are funneled into the soffit vents and then into the attic with nothing to stop them. The tile roofs may help insulate and cool the attic a little. If the attic is cooled slightly, then the hot humid air will be prone to condense. The air condenses its moisture out of vapor form and into liquid form more easily.

When the Paston effect is occurring a mold odor is often noticeable immediately upon opening the attic access.
In the attic the first thing you will notice is a strong mold odor. Immediately upon opening the attic access the odor may become apparent.
The next thing you may notice is excessive mold growing on the outer surfaces of AC ducts. Of course this is completely separate from, and unrelated to the more common moldy AC duct problem. More common moldy duct problems occur inside AC ducts, these problems are unusual in that the mold grows on the exterior of the AC ducts.
You will see black spots less than a centimeter across, these are colonies of Cladosporium mold.
In addition, large amounts of Pen Asp mold will also grow on the exterior of the ducts. This mold will be harder to see on the duct’s exterior. However, a surface sample from the ducts will show Pen Asp mold on the ducts in addition to the obvious Cladosporium mold.
Attic ductwork forms excess condensation as a result of the excess humidity. The condensation then drips down and causes moisture stains and mold under the ducts. In this image the moisture stains are obvious because they are on exposed plywood. Often the moisture accumulates under attic insulation and results in mold hidden under the insulation. Eventually the condensation may continue downwards and soak all the way through the floor of the attic.

Condensation from The Paston Effect caused water damage at a ceiling in a Wellington Florida home near the Northern Everglades.
Eventually the condensation drips off the attic’s AC ducts, next it soaks through the floor of the attic and into the ceiling below. You will see moisture stains on the ceilings. This occurs on the 2nd floor ceilings only because the attic is above the 2nd floor. In this image we see not a stain, but actual water damage as the result of attic condensation soaking through the floor of the attic and damaging the upstairs ceiling below the attic.

About two foot away from the water damaged ceiling we see an AC register with mold and condensation on it. Mold and condensation on AC registers can be the result of the Paston Effect but may be due to other less serious humidity problems at times.
Because so much wet outdoor air blows into the attic, the attic becomes positively pressurized. It’s like blowing a balloon up. The air in a balloon wants to escape from any hole it can find.
The moldy air escapes from the attic through wiring holes hidden above ceiling mounted light fixtures, recessed lights, ceiling fans, and other openings.
This escaping warm attic air touches colder air-conditioned ceiling drywall on upstairs ceilings. The drywall becomes wet as moisture condenses out of the warm air onto colder surfaces. Condensed moisture may or may not form visible drops of water. This condensed moisture provides the needed moisture for mold growth. The mold is Cladosporium mold, and it appears like black powder exploding from behind and above ceiling mounted fixtures of all types.

Humid air escapes from the pressurized attic through recessed lights, smoke detectors, ceiling fans, and any other fixtures attached to the upstairs ceiling. When this warm wet attic air touches the cold air-conditioned ceilings condensation forms. The condensation triggers mold growth.
In addition, air blowing out of the attic may cause spore levels in the upstairs air to become elevated. And mold odors may be noticed upstairs.
Sealing these ceiling openings will not help because the problem will continue to get worse in the attic.
Mold odor and moist air will eventually find its way out through your electrical outlets and light switches. Condensation will form halos around light switches and outlets.

Mold coming from behind electrical outlet on wall. This is due to pressure problems blowing warm humid attic air into cold walls.

Stachybotrys toxic black mold behind popcorn ceiling coating. This is similar to what happens inside upstairs walls of many homes with the Paston Effect.
The above problems are bad, unfortunately sometimes it gets much worse. The mold you see on the exterior of the AC ducts and on the upstairs ceilings are just the tip of the iceberg.
That humid air that condenses and causes mold and condensation on the exterior of the attic AC ducts is a concern. And that humid air that condenses and causes mold and condensation on the upstairs ceilings is a concern.
But the real concern is that that same wet air may be going down inside your upstairs walls and causing condensation and mold inside all your upstairs walls. This does not happen in every case, but it is common for all the upstairs walls to become wet and moldy inside in homes with the Paston Effect.
The walls may get a little soft due to being wet for prolonged periods of time. Pictures or T.V.’s mounted on walls upstairs may even fall off! Building occupants, especially ones staying upstairs, may get sick with allergies. Using a moisture meter on such walls may indicate that the majority of your upstairs walls are soaking wet. Wet walls are typically full of mold.
The only solution is to gut all the walls and ceilings upstairs. In most cases it does not spread downstairs to any noticeable degree.
This will get rid of the mold, but the problem will return if the root cause is not addressed.
Whenever we have investigated homes with Paston Effect humidity problems, the homeowners have typically dealt with the problem for many years and have spent much money on ineffective attempts to diagnose and correct the problem.
Maintenance men, mold inspectors, AC contractors, and friends of the homeowners all have opinions and ideas on how to deal with this humid air problem creeping into the home from the attic, but none seem to work.
Correction does not involve increased attic ventilation because this just lets additional outdoor humidity into the attic. In addition, it is more complex than simply sealing the attic soffit vents as this may cause new problems with the roof covering.
The solution is a complex multi-step process that must be done correctly and tailored to your home’s specific needs. Correction will require professional mold inspections and consultation from a trained and qualified Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant, structural engineer, or certified industrial hygienist. Find someone who has experience investigating this specific complex issue. Question your inspector if he or she has no experience with this specific type of humidity problem then call someone else.
If you are experiencing the Paston Effect in Florida, give us a call 1-888-381-6651. If you are dealing with any type of mold, humidity, or attic condensation problems in Florida give us a call at A Accredited Mold Inspection Service. We have provided diagnosis, consultation, and corrective guidance on the Paston Effect before. We have also dealt with other types of humidity problems on large coastal homes and mansions throughout South Florida every year since 2003.
For more online information on humidity control visit this page.
When experiencing the Paston Effect, Humidity Problems, moldy AC ducts, or sweating ducts in your attic, we at A Accredited have the knowledge, experience, and connections with the right mold contractors to help end such issues in your home.
A Accredited Mold Inspection Service