A Accredited Mold Inspection Service, Inc.
Established in 2003.

About our Mold Inspectors in Palm Beach

When calling our office people often ask can your Palm Beach mold inspector provide inspections and testing on larger Palm Beach mansions?
The answer is yes. We can, and yes we have resolved complex issues in such estate homes many times before.

With professional Palm Beach mold inspections on larger homes and mansions, the first and of of the most important step for our mold inspector in Palm Beach is to interview the client in regards to any known mold problems or any known conditions that may have resulted in mold problems, the interview takes roughly 10 or 15 minutes but can take more time or less time depending on the complexity of the condition to be diagnosed. If you know the cause of a simple mold problem in a home then it will take very little time, if our consultant is to diagnose a hidden, mysterious, or reoccurring problem in a larger home or office then the interview will take longer.

Next, a visual inspection of accessible areas is conducted. On larger mold inspections in Palm Beach this can take several hours or even a few days. An emphasis is placed on areas of known mold problems, moldy odors, or areas where plumbing fixtures and AC units exist, or anywhere condensation and moisture stains exist. Though a visual inspection and testing for odors sounds simple it is the most important part but really does take a trained and experienced eye to look for clues that may be hidden in plain sight. An inspection by a licensed mold inspection service typically takes about 3 hours at most properties, in 2012 I conducted a Florida Keys mold inspection Near Key West that took about 3 days because it was a commercial hotel inspection. No matter how long the inspection takes an extensive report with interpretation of sample results as well as the inspector’s conclusions, and remediation information is provided seven to 10 days later. Our reports are very extensive and informative and can be given to your attorney, allergy doctor, or insurance company, if so desired.

On our inspections the specalist will sometimes use a high quality digital bore scope to view inside holes on suspect walls, an advanced IR camera may be used to help located hidden active moisture problems. An IR camera can detect moisture in hard to reach area like high lofty ceilings. Moisture meter may also be used to test for and locate moisture, it is not as far reaching as an IR camera when it comes to detecting moisture. When testing with a moisture meter you cannot scan an entire ceiling with it, however it is more sensitive than an IR camera so we use both tools. We also use a RH meter to detect humidity in the air.

Usually around 3 to 8 samples are taken from the typical home or small office. In Palm Beach type mansions we may take very roughly 10 samples more or less when testing for mold in Palm Beach.  Most air samples are taken with Cyclex, Posi-track, or Micro 5 mold spore testing traps. An Andersen-type Impactor plate can also be used for viable sampling. A portable IAQ pump calibrated with a build-in rotometer is used in conjunction with the above spore traps. The pump pulls in a measured amount of air for a specified amount of time so that calculations can be done to help figure out approximate concentrations of spores per cubic meter of air. Samples include at least one outdoor sample as a control for comparison to indoor levels. Samples are used not only for measurement of spore levels per cubic meter of air, but also for identification of mold genus. During mold testing in Palm Beach we commonly take some air samples from inside walls.

Bio tape, bulk or other sample types are often taken as well for better identification of spore types. During mold testing in Palm Beach readings of humidity levels, temperature, dew point, and the mixing ratio are often needed to properly diagnose a mold or humidity problem. Moisture readings indicating moisture content in wood or relative moisture levels in drywall plaster and concrete can also be conducted in representative areas with our moisture meter.


Since there are no standards for mold inspectors many mold testing and inspection firms still provide no mold inspection report at all – just a lab report. This was more common before licenses, but still occurs regularly today. When you call for an explanation of the lab report, your inspector will often be unable to interpret it. Suddenly, you realize you just lost a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars on a useless mold inspection. A detailed report is important. We provide a detailed report that is e mailed to the client. In the case of large estate homes in the Palm Beaches the report can be sent to the clients contact person, who is often a property manager who managers the home for the client.

If you have problem levels of mold growth, odors, or humidity problems and you need a professional diagnosis by a certified and state licensed consultant to help resolve the problems, contact us at A Accredited Mold Inspection Service, Inc. We only inspect and test and do not bid on remediation jobs. Thus, we report our findings with honesty because there is no conflict of interest.




About At A Accredited Mold Inspection Service, Inc.
Our assessor and indoor air quality testing specialist provides inspections for:
Home owners, renters, commercial and residential building managers. We test for mold, chemical or musty odors, allergens, moisture or humidity problems, and other building related defects and IAQ issues. We provide services for all towns in, near, and around Palm Beach and West Palm Beach Florida.