Lady holding her nose as a reaction to foul mold odors or other odors. Bad smells are A common sign of indoor air quality problems. Odors and mold can trigger stress. Mold and mental health may be indirectly related.






I am not a mental health professional; I am just providing information on my own opinions based on my own observations of thousands of clients starting back in 2003.  Perhaps this information can stop one person from falling into a downward spiral of stress, anxiety and fear fueled mental health issues induced by worry of toxic mold exposure.

I have personally observed that mold does in fact cause health problems. Mold often causes respiratory problems. Common problems include coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy throat, runny nose, and sinus headaches. In addition, I have also seen mold growing on cloths and furniture cause rashes. In my opinion, mold typically DOES NOT DIRECTLY cause conditions like anxiety, depression, and forgetfulness.

I have also noticed that when mold spreads out of control in a client’s home, it can be extremely stressful. The ordeal of having mold, or any problem that is unhealthy and expensive or difficult to handle is stressful. Such conditions will make a person feel that an important part of life has spiraled out of control. Such feelings of helplessness, lack of control, and fear appear to often trigger severe insomnia, stress, depression, and anxiety in some people. I don’t have to be a therapist to have observed this. It is common sense, and common knowledge, that stressful situations can cause anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and depression.


Many people are stressed out over mold. They appear to developed sever anxiety and depression from mold indirectly. I know they have anxiety and depression not because I diagnosed them. The way I know is because many of them have told me they were diagnosed by a doctor.

Most of my clients with anxiety, depression, or stress related symptoms do not believe the emotional problems are because they are stressed out. Instead, they assume that the mental decline is just one more symptom of toxic mold poisoning. In other words, people going through this think a mysterious mycotoxin in the mold is causing mental stress. They don’t believe the stress from having mold caused stress and anxiety. In my opinion this is a dangerous misconception. The belief that toxic mold is causing mental stress type issues breeds even more fear of mold. This additional fear in turn causes even more depression, stress, and anxiety. It becomes a never-ending downward spiral of emotions.

I do not currently know of any scientific literature from non-bias scientists that indicates mold causes anxiety, stress, or depression type symptoms. Of course, I do not know everything about what toxic mold does and does not do to a person. I am just stating that I do not currently know of any such peer reviewed literature that claims that mold causes emotional or mental health issues.

Let’s just say it might, in some cases, be the stress of dealing with mold that causes some people to experience a variety of symptoms.


Stressed out people exposed all day to mold, or the idea that they may have mold can become negatively affected by online media. They tend to read Facebook chat group stories, and non-scientific online articles about toxic mold. Some online information on mold is good information, some Facebook information on mold is good information. Way too much of the mold information online and in Facebook and other social media chat groups is inaccurate.

Sometimes mold health effects are exaggerated or made up by online bloggers trying to sell mold related products or services. This misinformation spreads like a cancer.


My goal is not to convince you of any medical or psychological facts. But my only goal is to encourage you to not let fear of mold overwhelm you. I want to encourage you to question what online information you believe.

Reading the wrong scary information causes more stress. Furthermore, stress from reading about and worrying about mold is more debilitating than the upper respiratory problems and other health problems the actual mold causes. Do not get pulled into excessive reading of misleading online information about toxic mold.

Mold sample analysis using a microscope. Scientist looking into a microscope studying mold or someting.


There is plenty of good and helpful information on mold and your health.

The best information on mold and your health is from:
The Centers for Disease Control.
The New York City Department of Health,
they discuss mold and health starting on page 16 of the document.

The Environmental Protection Agency .

And many Universities like this University, and this University and this one as well
all have easy to understand information on mold and health.

For some of my own non-bias information on toxic mold click here, 

or click here 

or here 


The above articles are based on information provided by smart knowledgeable men and women. They have masters degrees and PHD’s in industrial hygiene, toxicology, public health, microbiology, and chemistry. The above articles are based on information provided by people who put in years or decades of hard work and studies at prestigious places of study. Some of the information is from people who have conducted studies in labs. Some of the information is also from respected people who have worked in the field as mold remediators, mold inspectors, and IAQ consultants.

They publish peer reviews literature, so you know they are not making stuff up and pulling one over on you. Last but not least, such sources of information are put out by people who have no incentive to scare you. They have no local guy who will sell you a cure for a poison you may not have been affected by.

Advanced lab equipment for studying chemical contaminates at the molecular level. <yoastmark class=


Stressed people often do not hire the good non-bias mold inspectors, mold doctors, and mold remediators. Such people are vulnerable to mold inspectors, mold doctors, and mold remediator that feed on people’s fears and temporarily weekend emotional state.  Next, people who are overwhelmed by mold problems lose all their money to the people who scared and weaken them. Greed is the roof of all Evel, and it is the reason for misinformation on mold.

Stock image of inspector for our Parkland, Plantation, Pembroke Pines mold inspectors webpage.


If you feel you have a mold problem hire our non-bias mold inspector who only does mold inspections, and who cannot make money of your fears.  We do mold inspections in South Florida.  

If you live outside of South Florida additional mold inspectors can be found here.  Look for Certified Indoor Environmentalist or Certified Indoor Environmental Consultants. These are the best mold inspectors. When looking for a mold inspector always do your own due diligence and research and check reviews.


In conclusion, it may be that the fear and worry over mold may cause stress or anxiety.


Nothing in this article should be considered as a medical or psychological diagnosis and advice. These are not the words or a medial professional. I’m just a mold inspector so what do I know. Go to your medical professional for medical diagnosis or help.

Information and opinions provided by Daryl Watters of A Accredited Mold Inspection Service. Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant and Stated Licensed Mold Assessor with no conflict of interest.



Logo for A Accredited mold inspection Service. A Accredited Mold Inspection Service

Mold inspections since 2003.
Fully licensed and certified. 
