Our IAQ Testing Service



West Palm Beach IAQ Testing Miami IAQ Testing 

We do not just test your air, but we are determined to find where the issue is coming from and why. Our goal is to understand the root cause so the problem can be addressed in such a way that the
chemical related IAQ (indoor air Quality) problem or mold problem does not keep coming back.

at A Accredited Inspection Service We specialize in IAQ or indoor air quality testing and consultation services as well as mold, allergen, and humidity problem investigations.


Three tools for testing indoor air quality including a formaldehyde meter left, a photoionization detector center, and a particle counter right.

Three tools for testing indoor air quality including a formaldehyde meter left, a photoionization detector center, and a particle counter right.



Since 2003 our IAQ consultant has provided professional indoor air quality testing in all of South East Florida. To aid you with fair and trusted services, we are a no-conflict of interest company. We only test and inspect your property and do not offer corrective services.



Stock image of the word quality.


You can trust your valuable property and health to experienced hands. We have been providing reliable services in the form of IAQ testing in Miami, West Palm Beach, and Ft Lauderdale since 2003. To see examples of some of our past commercial building IAQ inspections click here. We have the experience you have been looking for. 




When using A Accredited Inspection Service you will be hiring a mold testing and air quality testing service that is properly certified.

The CIEC Certification is without any doubt one of the nations highest IAQ related certifications. Most certifications require nothing more than two days of classes in a hotel room. You can verify our certification by clicking here. 

Our CIEC certification requires 8 years of experience, or 8 years of education, or a combination of relevant experience and secondary science education. The experience and education requirements must  add up to a total of eight years. There is quite obviously a big difference between a certification that was two days in the making and one that was 8 years in the making.

In addition to strict prerequisites, a rigorous exam taken at a proctored testing center is required. Your local inspector Daryl Watters received a 85 on his CIE exam in 2004 and a 96.6 on his even harder CIEC exam in 2015.

Check your home logo with an abstract image of a home with a check mark in it.OUR

You don’t have to trust us, we have plenty of 5-star reviews, always check reviews and take the time to read them. Just click here to see what our clients have to say about our mold services. 




Florida state seal image.


Of course we are licensed. Here is a link so you can verify our license status.  License number MRSA 328.  We obtained our mold assessment license the very first year mold licenses were offered in the state of Florida! Unfortunately, the state of Florida offers no license for indoor air quality testing.



Mold inspection reports from our Ft Lauderdale mold inspector, and also A Accredited Mold Inspection Service logo on a laptop computer. The logo is two letter A's.



Our West Palm Beach air quality consultant will provide a comprehensive inspection report that gives various possible causes of problems. We also provide recommendations about the best possible remedy. The written report will contain photos and elaborated details. The report will cover various issues related to air quality problems at your home or commercial building.

We not only use mold inspection reporter (MIR) software forms for creating IAQ reports, allergen reports, humidity problem reports, and mold reports. We also created (MIR). This reporting system was created by our inspector Daryl Watters. It is used by many other IAQ consultants and mold inspectors nationwide.
Thus, you will receive a quality air quality report.



How To Know If You Need IAQ Testing? 

Are mysterious unidentified odors a concern?

IAQ testing tools for IAQ Testing in West Palm Beach Miami, and Lauderdale

Indoor Air Quality Testing Tools.

Need help with sick building syndrome or building related illness?
Have you recently installed new building materials?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you might benefit from indoor air quality testing.




What We Commonly Find?

Volatile organic compounds are by far the most common cause of non-mold related indoor air quality problems we encounter in South East Florida. VOC’s are made of hydrogen and carbon containing compounds that easily evaporate at typical room temperatures and pressures.

Volatile organic compound are commonly found when conducting air quality investigations. In fact if you test for them you will find them as they are present to some degree in every home and building.
Because they evaporate and join the ambient air so easily in homes and buildings they are often the causative agents of IAQ problems we encounter in Miami, West Palm, and Ft Lauderdale buildings.

Boy sneezing possibly due to allergy or IAQ problems.

Boy sneezing with allergy problems.

Common IAQ Related Symptoms 

Some of the more common symptoms associated with IAQ problems include but are not limited to:

Respiratory irritation.


Since we function as an independent inspection firm and not as a remediation firm, we have no conflict of interest. We have only protecting your health as our concern.



Image of lady with phone headset on her ears hand and mouth. Contact us stock image for our Miami IAQ testing and West Palm Beach IAQ testing page. contact us stock image photo of a women answering the phone to schedule IAQ testing and mold inspection services in Miami Ft Lauderdale or West Palm Beach Fl buildings.


In Miami Ft Lauderdale or West Palm Beach Do We Serve Your Area? 

Our South FL IAQ professional provides Miami IAQ testing services and services in the surrounding metropolitan areas North to West Palm Beach and beyond.

Call us to schedule. 1-888-381-6651.