air quality testing stock imageChemical Related Indoor Air

for Homes and Commercial Buildings

As many of our clients know A Accredited Mold Inspection Service, offers mold and allergen testing and inspections. What you may not know is that we do much more. For many years we have also provide indoor air testing for VOC’s and other chemicals.

lady reacting to foul odors. A common sign of indoor air problems.

Our indoor air testing services are for evidence of chemicals and other indoor pollutants that commonly cause problems like foul odors and also health complaints.
Common indoor air related health complaints include but are not limited to coughing, sneezing, nausea, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, or general malaise,
( a general feeling of not being quite healthy).

A wide array of common building material, and common household products release dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, acetone, xylene, toluene, benzene, and other VOC’s. Such air borne contaminates often cause air quality related health complaints in homes and commercial buildings. At high enough levels some of these substances can trigger asthma attacks, or can cause cancer. In some rare cases such as those involving industrial accidents some can even cause death.

Common Conditions That Contribute to Chemical Related Indoor Air Problems Include:


Chemical Storage Practices.

(Chemicals stored in AC closets or near AC returns.)

Excessive numbers and excessive types of chemicals stored indoors.

Chemicals stored with loose or missing caps.


The Instillation of New Construction Materials.

(Cabinets, carpets, new wood laminate floors, and new paints are four of the main sources.)


Devices that Produce Ozone.

(Air purifiers, and UV lights are common devices that produce ozone in houses). Sometimes in offices with lots of large printers the printers can produce ozone.  

By interviewing you, by doing an inspection, and by using on site testing tools, and lab analyzed air samples, we can help. Our goals are simple, we want to figure out if your air quality needs improvement and in addition we want to help you breath easy.


indoor air testing tools

When the above types of health complaints are reported, or when chemicals may be present air quality may get worse over time, therefore do not ignore the signs.

Call A Accredited Mold Inspection Service toll free for indoor air testing in your home or commercial building. 


We are based in West Palm Beach but we cover all of South East Florida.