House mold problems can only get this bad if neglected for a few years in a wet home.

As you already know many molds love to move indoors, live side by side with humans, and cause house mold problems. Some species such as Chaetomium globosum, Aspergillus niger, and of course everyone’s favorite fungal house guest Stachybotrys chartarum, are seldom found outdoors, but are common in water damaged buildings.

Why is this you ask?
1. Most molds enjoy the same indoor temperatures that humans enjoy.

2. Like humans they thrive in home environments that provide protection from intense direct ultra violet sunlight. In fact many molds are quite susceptible to severe genetic and cellular damage from UV light exposure. In our homes they are shaded from such exposures.

3. They share our taste in building materials, we like drywall and wood because they are affordable, lightweight, and convenient building materials, mold likes them because they are a great food source and high in cellulose.

4. Both humans and molds hold a high level of appreciation of modern plumbing. Humans love it when it functions properly, and mold love it when it fails and starts to leak.



Heavy mold growth in a Miami Kendall area home we inspected.

The Problem With Sharing Your Home With Mold.
House mold problems are a serious concern to many individuals. Persons with asthma or allergy experience watery eyes, runny nose, breathing difficulties, coughing and sneezing, and sometimes rashes. Sounds bad but not terrible you say? Give these symptoms a try night after night and   day after day for a few years and tell me it is not terrible.

In addition if you have asthma mold exposure may trigger an attack that makes it impossible to breath in !

Constant allergy is terrible all by itself, but over time allergies can have side   effects. Allergies will rob you of sleep, and may result in damaged mucus membranes, this is believed to cause an increase in the occurrence of the common cold and sinus infections.

Besides allergy and asthma other health problems can result from mold exposure. However allergy and asthma are the most common problems associated with such exposures.

Mold resulting from a known water intrusion issue, and non-hidden mold problems, are often easy to deal with.

I am not going to lie to you, in such cases you may not need to hire an inspector. Your mold remediator might be able to deal with the issue directly.



This mold problem has been corrected via professional mold remediation that involved the removal of all drywall from this high rise Aventura Condo.

The Solution.
If your home mold problem is concealed, if the source and cause are a mystery, if it is caused by invisible humidity or HVAC issues, or If your lawyer, insurance company, or landlord wants documentation then a mold inspection is a must.
If mold takes up residence in your home or office act immediately and call a mold testing company to send out an inspector. Also contact your doctor if serious illness is experienced.
In many cases you   may need professional help. Inspecting for hidden mold issues and finding the sometimes complex conditions that caused the mold takes an   experienced mold inspector.

When it comes to home mold inspections it takes 2 days of classroom learning to learn how to do it wrong, and it takes a trained and experienced mold investigator many years to learn how to do it properly. Even for an experienced inspector it can be difficult or impossible to find all hidden mold.

Next a plan of action called a remediation protocol must be drawn up to aid in dealing with your house mold problems.  Some mold inspectors do not routinely provide this service for fear of making a mistake. The protocol is a complicated and detailed scope of work showing what must be done to properly and safely correct the problem without spreading contamination and without exposing workers to health risks associated with mold removal.

Finally a separate mold remediation firm not connected to the inspection firm must remediate any mold that was uncovered.

If you are dealing with house mold problems do not hesitate, give us a call