About Daryl Watters

Daryl Watters is a mold inspector and indoor air quality consultant. He has been serving South East Florida since 2003 as a mold testing consultant and since 1994 as a home inspector.

Mold in the Home (What type of mold grows where in the home?)


Mold in the Home A Brief Discussion on What Types of Molds Grows in What Home Environments. Mushrooms growing in a home's door frame. Found by our certified mold inspector. In nature different type of living organisms thrive in different environments. Mold in the home is no different. Some house molds prefer some [...]

Mold in the Home (What type of mold grows where in the home?)2025-03-16T15:37:01-04:00

Test for Mold Identification Part II


 Should I Test For Mold?   In part one of this article we discusses why testing is often not needed. Below we discuss some benefits of mold testing. TEST FOR MOLD TO ESTABLISH THE EXTENT AND LEVEL OF CONTAMINATION A mold inspector can only have a general idea as to how contaminated the air is [...]

Test for Mold Identification Part II2025-02-06T16:53:36-05:00

Testing Mold for Fungal Type Identification Part I


 How Important Is Testing Mold for Professional Mold Inspectors The question comes up over and over again. Is testing mold and mold identification important in regard to a mold inspector’s opinions and recommendations? To learn more, keep reading this article. For a mold inspection service in South Florida please visit our website. For part II to [...]

Testing Mold for Fungal Type Identification Part I2025-02-12T20:49:03-05:00

Mold in the Home


  Are You Dealing with Mold in The Home?     The only thing separating the wood in our homes from mold-induced decay is a lack of moisture. Once moisture touches wood mold takes over and decay starts. Once moisture touches any man-made derivatives of wood, mold starts to grow. Now you have mold in [...]

Mold in the Home2025-03-16T19:57:25-04:00

Mold Inspectors and Some Specific Non Spore Type Contaminates


Mold Inspectors Stock image of inspector. And Non Mold Contaminates      When mold inspectors consider possible contaminants in indoor environments most mold inspectors assume that mold spores are the problem. Why do most people, including mold consultants and their client’s jump to the conclusion that mold spores are the cause of our [...]

Mold Inspectors and Some Specific Non Spore Type Contaminates2025-03-16T20:51:56-04:00

Is your house guest making you sick from house mold problems?


Is House Mold Making You Sick? Boy sneezing with allergy problems. House mold problems are a common cause of allergy symptoms. Want to learn more about house mold? Continue reading. Need a mold inspection at your home or office?  click here to learn more about our services. As you already know many molds [...]

Is your house guest making you sick from house mold problems?2025-02-05T16:04:07-05:00

Moisture testing V.S aw level testing


Typical pinless moisture meter for testing moisture in a building. It is our mold inspectors  meter being used by our client on his own wall. Moisture Testing Which is better during a mold inspection, moisture testing with a moisture meter, or moisture testing using water activity levels (aw). Water activity level measurements are [...]

Moisture testing V.S aw level testing2025-03-16T22:31:12-04:00

Mvoc or mold odors in your home or AC


Mold Odors In Your Home and Possible Health Implications If you are looking for information on mold odors in the home and your health keep reading. However, if you are looking for a mold inspector who can help locate, diagnose, and give consultation on mold and mold odor problems click here for A Accredited Mold [...]

Mvoc or mold odors in your home or AC2025-03-16T18:39:22-04:00

Fish Odors in Homes


. DETECTING FISH ODORS IN YOUR HOME OR AC DUCTS??? People sometimes report detecting fishy odors or dead fish smells in their home. Fish odors in homes often remain a mystery for weeks, months, or even years. Eventually the mystery is solved and the cause of the fishy smell is understood. Sometimes the source is [...]

Fish Odors in Homes2025-02-12T14:58:53-05:00

Toxic Black Mold Inspectors


  Toxic Black Mold Inspectors In Miami, West Palm Beach, And Ft Lauderdale Since 2003.   Are you researching local toxic black mold inspectors who can give honest and nob-bias advice? You have come to the right place. At A Accredited Mold Inspection Service we have no conflict of interest and inspect only. We only [...]

Toxic Black Mold Inspectors2025-01-27T15:09:35-05:00