About Daryl Watters

Daryl Watters is a mold inspector and indoor air quality consultant. He has been serving South East Florida since 2003 as a mold testing consultant and since 1994 as a home inspector.

Mold and Springtails


Below Is an Article by Our Mold Inspector. It Includes Information on The Presence of Mold and Springtails and Ants in The Home.  Our mold inspector once received a call from a potential mold inspection client. The client feared that she had mold hidden in her bathroom walls. She was concerned about hidden mold because [...]

Mold and Springtails2023-04-01T16:14:56-04:00

Mold Sample Analysis


WHY YOU NEED A MOLD INSPECTION AND NOT JUST SAMPLE RESULTS Mold sample analysis is sometimes a very important part of a mold inspection. However sample analysis is not the whole picture. It should not be relied on too much. Mold spore sample analysis has it's limitations as discussed here in part one of this [...]

Mold Sample Analysis2021-05-30T11:52:21-04:00

Air Sampling Problems


ABOUT AIR SAMPLING PROBLEMS Some clients assume that a mold laboratory’s results are the most important part of a mold investigation. They feel that mold test results will always be accurate. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Lab results are an important part of any mold inspection. We always take samples. However, it is important [...]

Air Sampling Problems2021-06-22T17:05:13-04:00

Mold Testing Meter for Mold Inspectors


As a licensed mold inspector I am sometimes asked the question, “Is there a mold testing meter for testing mold in the air.?” Yes, such a device does exist, but it is not well known, nor widely used in the mold testing industry. Before we discuss this mold meter, let us first look at the [...]

Mold Testing Meter for Mold Inspectors2021-08-06T15:48:44-04:00

How Does Mold Grow Under Floors


Pen Asp mold growing under a wooden floor is popping up from between the floor boards in this image. WHY MOLD GROWS UNDER FLOOR As a Mold Inspector in West Palm Beach my job is to figue out the cause of, and solution to mold problems. I have dealt with the issue of [...]

How Does Mold Grow Under Floors2020-05-10T14:33:53-04:00

Pre Purchase Mold Inspections for Home Buyers


INTRODUCTIONS PRE PURCHASE MOLD INSPECTIONS  In this post we will discuss why you should have a pre purchase mold inspection and not just a home inspection when buying a home. However, near the end of this same post we will be very honest and discuss why it is very often best not to hire a [...]

Pre Purchase Mold Inspections for Home Buyers2018-09-19T21:06:28-04:00

New Construction mold Issues


Mold Inspection for Newly-Constructed Homes and Commercial Buildings in Florida Mold hidden behind fiberglass insulation in a massive bank we inspected in the Florida Panhandle. The building was still under construction when the mold growth occurred. It is quite common for moisture to enter a property under construction via defects such as flashing [...]

New Construction mold Issues2018-04-10T14:49:58-04:00

Tips for maintaining clean home air


Clean Home Air Every year more people become aware of the importance of the need to improve or maintain clean healthy air in the home. If you can learn tips on how to remove common indoor air contaminates, then you will be on the road to maintaining clean home air. Some of the most commonly [...]

Tips for maintaining clean home air2022-10-03T21:09:23-04:00

Inspect for mold in plumbing areas


While inspecting under a sink in Miami our inspector found these mushrooms growing. In this post we will discuss some of the most obvious places to check for mold (plumbing areas) but we will break it down in great detail. The information in this article is intended for home inspectors, mold inspectors, and home [...]

Inspect for mold in plumbing areas2014-05-23T15:13:29-04:00

Fungal Niches in the Home (What type of mold grows where in the home?)


Fungal Growth in the Home A Brief Discussion on What Types of Molds Grows in What Indoor Environments.   In nature different type of living organisms thrive in different environments, it the home it is no different. Some molds prefer some environments while other prefer other environments. Let’s look at just a few common molds and [...]

Fungal Niches in the Home (What type of mold grows where in the home?)2020-05-11T19:04:47-04:00