Is It Necessary To Test For Everything In Your Air?

Three tools for testing indoor air quality including a formaldehyde meter left, a photoionization detector center, and a particle counter right.

Three tools for testing indoor air quality including a formaldehyde meter left, a photoionization detector center, and a particle counter right.

At A Accredited Mold Inspection Service we occasionally receive calls from people wanting us to do “air testing for everything”. It is true that we are equipped to test for a lot more air quality problems than most mold inspectors. Our inspector is not just a licensed mold inspector, he is also a certified indoor environmental consultant so he can test for much more than just mold. Sometimes it is very beneficial to test for many things, and we do provide such services when needed.

But it is our policy to try and not run un-necessary air tests.
It is very common for us to tell clients to save money and only have one or a few specific air tests done as needed. Too much focus on testing can keep an inspector distracted form the important visual inspection. It is important to hire an inspector who is capable of conducting a wide array of tests. But it is also important that such tests be done only when they help the inspector solve your problem.


Often, we can narrow down possible indoor air quality problems to test for over the phone before ever going to your home or office. Having every possible test done is extremely expensive, extremely time consuming, and can be a great distraction to the inspector while he is trying to conduct an inspection. It would be a shame for you to spend all your money on fruitless tests, then have no money left over to solve the problem. It would be a shame for the inspector to not find the problem because instead of focusing on the right type of tests, and a detailed inspection, he was spending hours doing unnecessary air tests.

In summary we recommend you tell the inspector your concerns and let him or her decide what tests are most likely to provide the best results.

In addition, it is very important to understand that if you do want extensive testing it is possible. But for such tests you must let the inspector know a week in advance. This way your air quality consultant can be prepared and bring the right equipment.
Expect to spend over a thousand dollars if you want bacterial, mold, chemical, and allergen testing.

The Overlooked Factor Inspection inverview with two guys at a table talking.

Many people assume that tests alone will provide meaningful answers. Test of you air can be very insightful and can often provide answers. The truth is the visual inspection and even the interview are very often more important than the test results.
Sitting down and talking with the client can reveal a lot about a properties possible air quality issues. Interviews and inspections will often reveal the source of a problem                                                                                        when testing fails to deliver.


Inspectors who over promise and give a false sense of security

Recently a client called and told me their last inspector tested for everything. The caller reported that the test he did was so detailed it would even pick up a house plant. I asked the caller how much they paid for the inspection and they said $600.00. I informed them that for a very comprehensive indoor air quality test lab fees alone are over $600.00. No inspector and no lab will be able to conduct a test for everything for that price. A very comprehensive test can run thousands of dollars.

Time For an Analogy

When you go to a doctor because of a breathing problem, your doctor does not waste time checking you for a fungal infection of the foot. If you go to a mechanic with concerns about gas fumes, he is not going to test your battery charge. In the same way if you’re experiencing nausea, headaches, and fatigue, in a new home we will recommend chemical testing, not allergen testing. The above types of symptoms can sometimes be associated with specific chemical related indoor air contaminates. However, it is important to hire an inspector who is capable of conducting a wide array of tests to be done only when needed and desired.


The Cost For Air Testing

With all the above said, sometimes it is helpful to have several different types of samples taken from your air. If you are in West Palm, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, or as far North as Vero Beach we may be able to help with such tests.

A mold inspection may cost $600.00 and chemical testing for common indoor pollutants may be another $600.00 to $1200.00 for just one chemical air sample.
And formaldehyde is not picked un on standard chemical tests of the air, so formaldehyde testing may be another few hundred dollars. Testing for bio-allergens may also be an additional few hundred dollars. And if you do want ever test the cost may be very roughly $2800.00 for a typical home.


Itemized Cost Break Down

Actual costs very depending on various factors. For example, if we are doing multiple tests at one property we will charge less per test.

Our cost for testing depends on the size of the home, but typical costs may run approximately:

$600.00 for mold.
$200.00 per allergen for allergens.
$400.00 for formaldehyde. 
$600.00 for bacteria in air.
$600.00 to 1200.00 for chemicals.

The above are just rough estimate and actual prices will be more or less than what is listed, and of course we will give a quote before starting.

So, What Now? Indoor Air Quality Infographic showing the most common residential air quality pollution sources.

If you need mold testing and inspection, or general air testing, feel free to call us and discuss you concerns.  We can test for chemicals or VOC’s, bio-allergens, or mold when needed.