Lady analyzing air sampling samples under the microscope.


If you want to learn about mold inspection related air sampling problems continue reading. If you are looking for a professional mold inspector click here. for A Accredited Mold Inspection Service. 



Some clients assume that mold inspectors’ air sampling results are the most important part of a mold investigation. They feel that air sampling results will always be accurate. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Samples are an important part of any mold inspection; we always take samples. However, it is important to note that there are many air sampling limitations. Some common air sampling problems are discussed below.



If mold growth is concealed under paint, inside a wall, or behind a baseboard, or cabinet, the mold can cause health complaints. Trapped spores may not escape and as a result may not show up in an air sample. However, Microbial volatile organic compounds can escape. These chemicals may escape into your home’s air and cause health complaints and odors even when spores remain trapped.

In such cases a professional mold inspector will have to do an inspection for subtle clues. We inspect for evidence of water damage. Where there is water damage mold is almost guaranteed.



Another problem with air sampling for mold is test result variability. You can sample the air from a room, and minutes later sample again and come up with completely different test results.

Or you can take a sample from one location and find different results just a few feet away.

Thus, a minor change in time or location can result in completely different results.



ait testing kit

Air Testing Kit




Now imagine you are at a property, and you take an air sample. If foot traffic is high and the carpet has been vacuumed an hour ago that spore levels will be extremely elevated due to disturbances in the carpet stirring up spores.

Now imagine you take the same exact sample, but the carpet has not been vacuumed recently, and foot traffic is low on the carpet. The same results might not show much of a problem at all.



Another example would be a home with mold in a wall.

A air sample shows no mold. One hour later the sample is repeated, however, this time the wind is blowing. Outdoor air is blown into the attic, that attic air is now under pressure and is forced into the interior of the walls below. Air flowing into the walls from the attic pushes mold spores out of the walls. As a result, an sample is taken and the sample shows high mold spore levels. The same sample same location, but wind outside drastically changed the results.



Here are some examples of environmental factors that can cause mold sampling problems or limitations. These factors all cause great variability in sample results.

  • The AC blower fan turns on and stirs up surface mold on walls and furniture.
  • The same blower fan turning off.
  • Cleaning AC ducts can loosen and stir up spores in the ducts that in turn blow out. This can drastically increase indoor spore levels temporarily.
  • A ceiling fan is in use.
  • The same ceiling fan is not in use.
  • The presence of settled spores on a floor where foot traffic is occurring.
  • The presence of actual mold colonies growing on the floor where foot traffic is occurring.
  • The amount, frequency, and duration of foot traffic.
  • Sweeping, dusting, or vacuuming causes spores to become airborne just prior to sampling.
  • Proximity of a sampling pump to mold growth.
  • Sampling pump orientation, (pump exhaust air blowing and stirring up spores V.S. blowing away from mold.)
  • Wind blowing air into an open window from a landfill or from an agricultural area with freshly tilled soil may be moldy.
  • Wind blowing air into an open window from a wet lumber yard may be moldy.
  • Wind blowing air into an attic, then that air goes into the walls, it can carry spores out of the wall.
  • Ocean breezes entering a property may carry very few spores, as a result, it may dilute otherwise moldy indoor air during testing.
A mold inspector looking into an attic. Air sampling problems can be avoided if your mold inspector does not just rely on mold sampling alone.

Inspector doing his job.


As you can see, many common factors can cause differenced in sample results. This is why your local area’s mold inspector must not rely on test results alone. An inspector must know how to conduct a proper mold inspection. They must interview the clients about the buildings water and mold related history. Therefore, an inspector must use his or her own personal observations, and common sense when doing an investigation.

For more info on this topic see part 2 of this article here. 

A Accredited Mold Inspection Service 

6742 Forsst Hill Blvd # 271 

West Palm Beach, Fl  33413


Call us for your mold inspection and mold testing needs in Southeast Florida.